3 Common Senses You Must Know to Make Mobile Phone Batteries More Durable

Time: 2020-10-28 Reads: 1528 Edit: Admin

Due to the characteristics of Lithium Batteries, the following battery life protection measures are applicable to iOS and Android platforms.

1. Use the latest operating system

Take Apple as an example. Officials will release updates from time to time. The new version of the operating system usually contains advanced energy-saving technologies, so please try to upgrade the operating systems of 

and tablets to the latest version.

2. Stay away from extreme temperatures

According to Apple‘s official documents, 16°C to 22°C is the ideal temperature zone. Long-term use of electronic equipment in an environment exceeding 35°C may cause permanent damage to the battery, and in severe cases, the battery may not be fully charged.

In a cold environment, the Iphone Battery usage time will be reduced, and even shutdown occurs, but this situation will disappear when the battery temperature returns to normal, and a brief low temperature will not have a serious impact on Battery Performance.

3. Long-term storage also retains half of the battery

If your device is to be stored for a long time, do not fully charge or discharge it. It is better to retain about 50% of the power. So that when you use it again, it won‘t have a big impact on performance.

Turn off the power of the device and store the device in a cool and non-humid environment. The temperature is below 32°C. If you want to store the device for more than 6 months, it is best to charge the device to 50% power every six months.